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Fahrplan Qt Application for Public transportation

Compiling fahrplan from source

Test application

There is a test application available which could be compiled on desktop systems. Its mainly for testing backends.

The test application can be compiled with either Qt4 or Qt5 by using the respective qmake version.

QT_SELECT=qt5 qmake

or use QtCreator, selecting the appropriate Qt version.

MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan

Can be compiled with Qt4 (>= 4.7.2). Requires Harmattan sysroot with MeeGo components. Use the Nokia Qt SDK and build for MeeGo.

It seams the SDK is hard to get these days. Windows filename: QtSdk-offline-win-x86-v1_2_1.exe (SHA1 644b0d847b89de609c85a663be4511576490a013) If you still having problems locating the sdk feel free to contact me.

Symbian (Symbian^3, Anna and Belle)

Can be compiled with Qt4 (>= 4.7.2). Requires Symbian sysroot with Symbian components. Use the [Nokia Qt SDK][1] and build for Symbian.

Ubuntu Touch

Can be compiled with Qt5. Requires ubuntu-ui-toolkit.

Install the ubuntu-sdk

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk


QT_SELECT=qt5 qmake CONFIG+=ubuntu

or use QtCreator and build for Qt5. For now you have to manually add CONFIG+=ubuntu to the qmake options in the project config.

You can run the resulting binary on Ubuntu Desktop, Tablet (in SideStage mode) and Phone.

Packages for Ubuntu Touch Devices can be built using any debian package builder. Example for compiling a package for Ubuntu Phones based on arm architecture and Ubuntu 13.04 (raring) using pbuilder:

pcreate -a armhf -d raring raring-armhf

(add the Ubuntu Touch SDK ppa to your build environment when asked:

cp -r qtc_packaging/ubuntu debian
pbuilder -p raring-armhf

BlackBerry 10

You will need to install BlackBerry 10 Native SDK. BlackBerry 10 port currently depends on Symbian Qt Components rebuild for BlackBerry. Please, consult 3rdparty/README.txt file for instructions about how to compile these components.

These instructions assume that you use Qt Creator for compilation so you need to configure BlackBerry 10 target in it. See “Getting the BlackBerry code signing keys” section of Qt Creator with BlackBerry 10 wiki page for instructions.

After this, open in Qt Creator, select BlackBerry 10 as a target and compile it. If you want to deploy to a real device, you will need to request and setup signing keys. Please, consult Qt Creator with BlackBerry 10 wiki page for more information.

Sailfish OS

Install the Sailfish OS SDK to compile with the shipped QT Creator.

You need to get QtPositioning manually installed in your emulator.

Connect to the emulator via ssh using the generated key, you probably need to alter the path to the key.

ssh nemo@ -p 2223 -i ~/sailfishos/vmshare/ssh/private_keys/SailfishOS_Emulator/nemo

Install qt5-qtdeclarative-import-positioning package on the emulator

pkcon install qt5-qtdeclarative-import-positioning

Compile with Calendar Support (openrepos)

Install the following packages on your mer sdk via QT Creators SailfishOS tab.

kcalcore-qt5 kcalcore-qt5-devel mkcal-qt5 mkcal-qt5-devel

Create a new build config (copy the release) with an additional argument "CONFIG+=openrepos" for the qmake build step. You now should do a clean and then recompile. Always do a clean after switching from release to release-openrepos.

Known Issue: The executeable is named after the .pro file, in the our case fahrplan2. Because of Sailfish Harbour guidelines, the executable needs to be called harbour-fahrplan2. The deploy script already names the file that way, but if you press the “Run” button in QT Creator it still tries to launch a fahrplan2 binary. The workaround is copy the original to during development.